04 August 2010
Mark Robinson,
Fund Raising Committee member,
ABC Charity,
Dear Friends and Family,
You must be aware that I am actively involved with the ABC Charity for the past few months. We at ABC Charity are working towards collecting donations for the people affected by the recent hurricane in Haiti.
We will not be accepting any cash donations. We are seeking donations in kind, especially clothes. Clothing is a basic necessity of every human being and in these times of need we human beings should support each other.
We request you to please contribute generously to the homeless people in Haiti. Enclosed is a donation from that has details on how you can donate and what donations are acceptable. We would have our first shipment of donations reaching Haiti by 15th August 2010 and hence request you to please make your contributions well in advance.
I am looking forward to each and every one of you contributing to this noble cause.
Yours truly,
Mark Robinson
ABC Charity
XXX Street,
Download Clothes Donation Letter In Word Format