HSMP Cover Letter

Work Permits (UK) HSMP

PO Box 12345



Subject: Application for Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP)

Dear Sir/ Madam
Enclosed is my application for HSMP attached with other applicable documents as specified by your office. Payment of $ 200 was made through your office Accounts department and receipt attached together with the other documents. A comprehensive breakdown of claimed points and supporting evidence is listed herein.

English Language
IELTS Tests Reports Form – band 45, obtained January 2006

Past Earnings
50 points claimed
Pay slips bears legal stamps for the duration of April 2005 – March 2007
P60 for 2004-2005 tax year
Educational Background

40 points claimed

Original Certificate (BSc in Ecology) from Dresden University

UK Work Experience

4 points claimed

5. Age

4 points raised

Yours Faithfully,
Rob Benwel


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