Dear Betsy,
This letter is my heart-template in which my burning feelings for you will be ventilated. If you could remember, I sat by your side at the Lagos State Public Library, Agege two days ago.
Betsy, I really enjoyed the civilized moment I spent with you at the library. You’ve struck me as being mild-mannered and quiet. In fact, your elevated words added some spice to my life. Sitting by your side that day, I was totally captivated by your charm and good looks. If you could notice, I was not doing the assignment given to me wholeheartedly; you’re my total preoccupation, believe me. I wondered why I should ever get carried away by somebody I hadn’t met before. Are there any particular things that I was hungry for in you? But I suddenly realized that you’re exquisitely beautiful and unique. It seemed that’s the first time I’d ever seen such an ebony girl with a beauty spot on her cheek and a pointed chin. Your beautiful long wavy dark hair that was tied back with a bow really intoxicated me. I must confess, I have fallen in love with you, my dear Betsy. I could only see myself gravitate to you. I really resonate with you, no doubt. Since that day, it appears that our lives are like a ‘plural subject’ with a ‘singular verb’ under the rule of concord for LOVE.
To me, you’re a rose that should be protected from thorns around lest they prick you. You’re an angel that shouldn’t be hurt. You’re also honey that should be covered against contaminants. By the grace of God, I’m ready to do whatever it takes to make you happy, I promise.
I’m in earnest when I say I love you, Betsy. I usually rhapsodize about your outstanding natural beauty among my friends. Your beauty hit me with a ‘sledgehammer’. Look Betsy, undeniably, I love you and cherish you for you’re Angel personified.
I’m longing to clasp you to my bosom very soon to soothe my ailing soul. I just need your resolute “Yes” please, Betsy.
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