Business Condolence Letter


Mr …………………………

……………… (Place)

…………………. (Name of Co)

…………………. (Address)

Phone: …………..

……………… (Date)

Dear …………………. (First Name}.

I was very sad to note from the Annual Statement of Accounts that your Company has suffered a serious business loss for the FY 2009-10 due to recession. Please accept my heartfelt condolence on your setback with the fervent hope that your business outlook will certainly improve in the next FY due to your managerial acumen and sound business principles.

With best wishes for a bright future.

Yours sincerely,



Mr. /Ms …………………….. (Name)

……………………..      (Designation)

…………………..          (Name of Co)

…………………….       (Address)


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