Full Name,
Date (e.g. 25 December 2004 or December 25 2004)
Mr/Ms/Mrs Full Name,
Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs Last Name,
I am ________ and I reside at _________. I am writing this letter on behalf of our colony members. Please find attached the signed approval from our neighbors who reside in the same colony.
I am writing this letter to you to bring to your notice that last week i.e. on the 19th of December, an accident occurred at our colony. A car slammed into the lamp post that is near our colony. As a result the lamp post has been damaged and electricity supply for it has not been cut. This is causing severe inconvenience to us as that is the only lamp post available for the colony. Also the wires hang around dangerously. I request you to take necessary action immediately. Please consider this as urgent.
Full Name
Downloand Sample Complaint letter template In Word Format