Sample Request Bank For Copy Of Credit Rating Report Letter

Request Bank For Copy Of Credit Rating Report

[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998]


John Smith

XYZ Bank

1234 First Street

Suite 567

Anycity, Anystate  85245]

Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith],

We have recently applied for credit at [FIRM, ex. ABC Supplies] and have listed your bank as a reference.  I kindly request that a copy of all documents you plan to send to [FIRM, ex. ABC Supplies] in their investigation of my credit rating be forwarded to me at:


Jill Jones

PowerAccount Software

4321 Second Street

Suite 545

Anycity, Anystate  85254]

Allow me to thank you in advance.  Please me at XXX-XXXX if there are any concerns.


[YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]


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