Grant Application Letter




Hand Made Paper Bhandar

#123/1, Lakdikapul

Phone: 23914029

No.1014/Grant/AP K&VIB/1

27th January, 2010


The Chairman

AP Khadi & Village Industries Board

Humayun Nagar


Dear Sir,

Sub: Grant in Aid for Hand Made Paper Machine.

Ref:  Prospectus for K&VI Schemes.

I am presently running a Hand Made Paper production unit for the past 5 years which is financed from my own resources.

I wish to purchase an improved Hand Made Paper production machine of 2 tons per month capacity costing Rs 2 Lakhs. I request you to sanction a Grant in Aid of Rs 1 lakh as provided in the Khadi & Village Industries Scheme for HMP Unit.

I am enclosing herewith Application Form No.1 duly filled-in along with the requisite documents.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,




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