Ms. Adi Amra
Kolkata School
Joka, Kolkata – 700 104
December 16, 2011
Mr. Trigun Chittoor
Human Resources Officer
Kolkata School
Dear Mr. Chittoor,
This is to appeal for your reconsideration regarding my promotion as Assistant Professor. I believe that I have the necessary requirements and credentials to merit me the promotion.
I have been working as a teacher in this institution for ten years now and I have had an excellent performance record. I have had only minimal absences from work, all of which are justified, and I have never been tardy in reporting to work. In fact, I have also been recognized as an outstanding employee for one year. I am already finishing my Masteral degree this year and I only have to submit my thesis to finally graduate. I have also published the necessary journal publications that would qualify me for promotion.
Thank you. I hope these reasons would warrant your reconsideration on the matter.
Ms. Adi Amra
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