College Admission Letter

Mr. Radhak Naik


New Delhi College

Sector XII, R. K. Puram

New Delhi – 110022

January 16, 2011

Mr. Tahir Nehru

Andheri-Ghatkopar Link Road, Andheri (East)

Mumbai 400 093

Dear Mr. Nehru,

The New Delhi College would like to inform you that are being admitted as a freshman into the college starting next academic year.  You have submitted to us the necessary requirements and you  have passed the entrance examination that you took last month.

To complete the requirements for admission, you will be required to report to the school for an interview which will formalize your admission into the college.  Please bring with you the documents we have listed in the attachment to this letter.  We will be holding an orientation for new students to be announced to you next month.  Please attend the said orientation which will help you finalize your decision on which course to take.

Do not hesitate to call us if you have any more questions before the orientation.


Mr. Radhak Naik


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