Ms. Namita Setty
Great Buy Company
Udyog Nagar
January 21, 2011
Mr. Ganjan Haryana
Helping Hand Foundation
Dayal Bagh
Dear Mr. Haryana,
We received your request for our company to be one of your major sponsors for the activity, “Symposium and exhibit on how to address poverty in India.” We have found the activity to be very meaningful and significant, especially during these times when poverty is worsening in the country and the whole world.
Our company is involved in producing quality canned goods and it is one of our aims to make food be available on every family’s table. We believe that food should not only be of delicious and healthy but should also be accessible to all, poor or rich. We will be providing boxes of our canned goods during the activity to give to poor families. Please find attached a copy of the sponsorship package that we wish to enter into with your group. We will contact you soon to schedule a meeting where we can fully discuss the details of the activity.
Namita Setty
Download Sample Sponsorship Acceptance Letter In Word Format