I am enclosing our company’s annual reports for the current

David Harris

609 West Main Street


New Mexico, 87109

Cell: 237-409-0198

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear David Harris,

Welcome to the family of shareholders of San Isidro Home Builders, Inc. Your decision to invest in the largest and leading supplier of home and construction supplies is a great step towards a sound and reliable future. This business has significantly and substantially grown and is now considered as the most secure and lucrative area for investment. Our company for that matter, has grown so much financially. With the onset of industrialization in different parts of the country, San Isidro Home Builders, Inc. is definitely keeping itself busy keeping up with the high demand for quality home and construction materials.

I am enclosing our company’s annual reports for the current year as well as for the past 2 years. This will give you an idea of how much we’ve progressed financially. Should you have questions, comments, or suggestions, kindly contact us at 4561230. We also encourage you to attend our upcoming shareholders’ meeting on May 15 at 3:00 p. m. at the conference room in our office. See you then!



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