Arnold Den
64, East 6 Street,
Lewistown, Montana, 03278,
(194)-465 0217
[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-
Dear Arnold Den,
I still remember the day you said we were meant to be together. I am astonished that out of the billions off people in this earth, we managed to find each other! I am always going to be thankful that we both found each other. You and I both know that we are a completely perfect match.
It would be have been very easy for both us to feign ignorance to each other’s existence. However, we chose to talk to each other and instantly feel a connection between us. I know you did too! We both knew that we were different from other people. We realized this gesture quickly.
This is the perfect chance to increase our love. It was a miracle that we found each other, and it shall be another miracle to sustain that love. I vow to do all so that we remain together forever. I am sure you will do so too.