As a resident of (Name of City or State) who has lived here

October 22, 2011

Joseph Hall
1902, X Street, Madison Avenue,
Los Angeles, CA-90001
(123) 456-7890


[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear Joseph Hall,

As a resident of (Name of City or State) who has lived here a long time, I’m today writing in to express my genuine hope that you can act on the behalf of the best interests of all your constituents by speaking for and ultimately voting in favor of the new (Name of Legislation) currently up for debate.

Myself and my fellow residents are appreciative of the integrity and the strong conviction of your stance on issues in the past, and we have confidence that you can act with courage and clarity to represent the stronger perspective of your constituents at this important time and in the future.



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