“I looked around, though, and saw two of the guys

October 17, 2011

Mather Smith
69 N. Grant Street, Mid Lake City,
California 84301

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear Mather Smith,

Statistics show that children who are left unattended after school each day have lower grades, lower self-esteem, and more difficulties in their adult years. Success for Life is a program designed to help off-set the cost of after school daycare while providing fun, age appropriate activities, and even free tutoring.

When Sam’s mother found out about the program she said her relief was enormous. “I couldn’t believe someone was going to help me keep Sam safe. It’s tough enough being a working mom without having to worry that between 3 and 5:30, Sam might be lonely, scared or even in trouble.”

Sam says he was not fond of the idea in the beginning. He liked being at home alone but admitted he didn’t do his best on his homework. With Mom gone, it was easy to watch television or play on the computer instead. When Sam’s mom took him to Success for Life, he was afraid he would be the only kid his age there.

“I looked around, though, and saw two of the guys I hang out with at school. They waved me over and I saw that they were doing their homework but in a very cool way. They had it up on a computer screen and every time they got a problem right, they got a point. Those points got them prizes at the end of every month. No one was giving me prizes at home for doing my work!”

Sam and his mother both agree a month into Success for Life that the program has changed everything. Sam’s mother says she can actually concentrate on her work instead of worrying the afternoons. Sam says he gets more time with his friends. Both agree that the best part is Sam’s grades. He has brought every class up at least one whole letter grade!

Success for Life is an awesome opportunity for the family with a working single mom or both parents working. Programs like this take money, though, and although the parents pay a small tuition, most of the cost is put forward by private contributions.

Help Success for Life keep their doors, and young minds, open. Please send in your donation of $50, $25 or $15. It’s a tax deductible donation and it will be worth every penny to families like Sam’s.



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