The charges pressed against me has given

Austin Parker,
1234, West 67 Street,
Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890


[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear Austin Parker,

Now that I am faced with the choice to be fired or to leave voluntarily, I choose the latter option. This is to be effective next week, February 17.

The charges pressed against me has given me no choice but to do this instead of going through a whole investigative process which I know is very biased with the decision already planned out. For the record, I deny any connection to the case the company is charging me with and because I feel gravely harassed and maltreated, the company should expect to be hearing from my lawyer very soon.

I would have liked to establish my career with Ebony Publishing Inc., but now that these events have transpired, I see that it is not possible any more. Despite my disappointment, expect me to finish the jobs I have committed to finishing before I leave the company for good.



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