Dear Nastia
Although our affair is over,i still feel the need to tell you that i care about you,i think about you with a lot of affection.
With this letter,I’m not asking you to come back to France,because i know that depends on your result; I only want you to not forget me and to have nothing but good memories of our past. I’m sorry ours was such a short story. I’m sorry it ended so soon,because my heart is still crying for more.As I said before,I only want to see you happy .i just feel a glimpse of sorrow for not being able to share that happiness anymore.
I don’t know what happened, i can’t understand where we went wrong , you didn’t write me even once after your depart to Moscow. I must admit that unfortunately it isn’t over. friendship is like a glass,once it is broken ,it can never be fixed again to the same standard as it was before.I don’t want our friendship to end up like that. I need you,I always remind your smile,i will never forget the fun we had together,I want you to keep me as a good friend,i want you to know i still worry about you; please write me soon!!!! I like to know that you are doing well,both physically and spiritually.
Again, I hope that of all we have lived when we were together nothing but the good memories remain.A big hug and a tender kiss from this friend of yours,who still keeps you deep in his heart …me!!
I love you always
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