Credit rating leaves me only with the option of legal action

Alyssa Bethenny Lachey

56 Thomas Apartments,

Happy Street, New York, 52364




[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear Alyssa Bethenny Lachey,

Three months have gone by since I received the form asking whether I would like to join your book club, and also take part in a sweepstake. I filled in the form clearly stating that whilst I wanted to take part in the sweepstake and did not want to join the book club.
Since this point though I have received a new book every fortnight. Each book I have returned to yourself clearly marking the package “not wanted”. In the past couple of weeks you have sent me two letters stating that I now owe a total of $50. After each letter I have sent you a letter that explains the situation, and requesting that no more books are sent. This morning though I have received a statement from a local collection agency that threatens legal action unless I pay the amount owed.
As I never opted to join the book club, and have explained the situation on two occasion I believe that the letter from the collection agency is totally unacceptable. This form of threat, and the damage that is being done to my credit rating leaves me only with the option of legal action unless the situation is resolved immediately.

Arah smith

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