15, Stalk Lane,
Pantaloon Street,
Dear Uncle Peter,
How are you? Hope you and aunt Jennet are having fun in your new house. We are very much excited to visit your new Villa.
Uncle you know what!! You are my mentor. You were always there whenever I needed you. You have always guided me through all my difficult times. I will always remember it and be grateful to your support and guidance. Uncle, you have always inspired me and motivated me to do the right things. I am writing you this letter, to tell you how much I love you and would like to wish you a very happy and prosperous Christmas. I remember the days when we used to celebrate Christmas in our place. We used to have a huge blast together. I raise a toast to you and Aunt Jennet. Merry Christmas!!
May this Christmas brings all the happiness and prosperity to you. Miss you a lot. Have fun together.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
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