3rd August 2010,
Ram Sharma
H.No.9/8/7, Any town Lane
Some Street
Dear Son,
Seems like yesterday you were a little baby learning to walk and talk. And here you are, a handsome, smart, wonderful young man ready to start taking on the world. We would like to first wish you a very Merry Christmas. Christmas is the time of the year when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. It has been a long and challenging year since last Christmas. Christmas cannot pass without wishing you a Merry Christmas. You have brought happiness and joy to our lives. The suit which you have gifted me fits perfectly, and I have actually been the recipient of number of complements from my colleagues. Thank you for your lovely Christmas gift.
In closing we would like to wish you joy this holiday season, and our best wishes for health and happiness throughout the year.
With love,
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