Charity Letter for College

Mr. Thomas cook,


George charitable foundation,

31, Vincent Street,


Respected Sir,

I would like to extend my hand of help to you in the godly service you have been rendering for many years. I would be obliged to donate 25% of my annual income to your college. It would be a privilege to help you in your task of molding the orphans into responsible citizens of the country and show them a path to live their life by educating them.

The services you have been doing to the society for the past 23 years are valuable and praiseworthy. As far as I am concerned, helping the underprivileged and the orphans is nothing but serving the god. Hence I am happy to donate some money for an institution which would use it for a good cause. I will pray to God that he will give you good health so that you can keep up with your noble work.

Thanking you.

Yours truly,

Mr. Frank Duffrence.


Downloand Charity Letter for College In Word Format

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