Business Acceptance Letter

Mr. Thomas Parera

General Manager- Services

Eveready series Pvt. Ltd

Dear Mr. Parera,

I am wiring this letter to you with reference to our mailer discussion regarding the business proposal of Eveready series Pvt. Ltd to work over two years to earn large profits. I am glad to accept your offer as I am also looking forward for joint venture in the service field.

As you are aware, I have a very small and newly settled business, due to that I am not familiar with the business offer acceptance formalities. So I am seeking for your advice to initiate ahead. As mentioned by you, your company will reward me with 10% of commission every month. Kindly educate me with the legal official procedures for completing the paper work and do let me know if anything else is required from my side.

In case of any query, please feel free to contact me at 3453 678 9438.

Thank you so much for showing confidence in me for your business proposal.

Thanks & Regards,

Suji Anderson

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