Formal announcement

August 8, 2011

Joseph Hall

1902, X Street, Madison Avenue,

Los Angeles, CA-90001

(123) 456-7890

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear Joseph Hall,

Prior to any formal announcement of the news, James and I wish to let you know that we are to be wed during the upcoming holiday. James went down on one knee last week and presented me with a ring, and a question of whether I would marry him. I of course said yes. James and I have been friends for a long time, but it has developed beyond friendship, and have been dating for many months.

We would like it if you could join us on December 23, at 3pm, in the York Church on East Street. It is to be simple ceremony in front of close friends and relatives. After the ceremony there will be an evening meal and reception.

It is all happening so quickly but we want to start a new life together as soon as possible. I will give you much more details the next time we meet up.


lisa parker

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