Delighted with this great success

July 25, 2011

Arnold Den

64, East 6 Street,

Lewistown, Montana, 03278,

Cell:-(194)-465 0217


[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear Arnold den,

Congratulations! You reached what you’ve been aiming for! You must be exhilarated after meeting you weekly sales goal of $10,000.00!

You deserve all the best in our company – and I am giving you the chance at Friday’s sales meeting. We want you to impart your sales techniques with our team. Eric Shane, our marketing manager, will be at the meeting to hear about your achievement personally.

I know that you will reach, and even exceed, your goals in the coming weeks.

You must be delighted with this great success of yours. I’m so proud of you.

Jackie mathew

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